Sun Ming Enterprises Ltd.
Transport Trolley for Mobile Oven Racks
Transport Trolley for Mobile Oven Racks
Transport trolley for mobile oven racks
The transport trolley is the perfect supplement to the mobile oven rack. It allows you to load and unload outside of the unit as well, and helps you transport food safely. All versions are coordinated perfectly to the oven stand and base unit heights.
The height-adjustable transport trolley is suitable for worktops, raised RATIONAL stands and Combi-Duos.
Transport trolley standard for:
- Base frames, height 39”
Model 61/101
Model 62/102
Transport trolley height-adjustable for:
- Height adjustable 37 ⅜” - 52 ⅜”
- Combi-Duo
Model 61/101
Model 62/102